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<h1>Server Command~</h1>
<div id="console"><span class="prefix">
<p id="message">
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> Greetz AssHole <br>
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> <font color="aqua"</font>Helang Merah Group Was Here!!!<br>
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> Your security are Suck MotherFucker<br>
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> Please patch your security.<br>
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> We will hunt more of your country site.<br>
<font color="red">root@Hmg:</font><font color="green" size="4px"> We are <font color="white" size="3px">Malaysian Blackhat Community</font><br>
<font color="yellow" size="5px">[+] Hacked By :Helang Merah Group</font><br>
<font color="white"size="3px">[+] Message : Remember this, We are here to show our solidarity for the Palestinian that being terrorize by the semitic zionist,nothing more than that.<br>We will hunt more of your country site until your people aware the palestinian that being killed and terrorize every single time.<br>
<font color="Cyan" size="3px">[+] Greetz : FieexxWashere | xFalcon1975 | MaxHMG | KrypSec | Carlos | GC_Riley | SeliparJepun | Zen69 | BobMarley |
<font color="yellow" size="3px">Free Palestine <br>All Eyes On Rafah <br>
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